About Me.

I’m a passionate entrepreneur who’s been writing her entire life. When you think about it, most of us have. Some of us fall in love with the craft. I’m one of those.

Although I closed the door on my writing’s creative capacity for a long time, eventually, it broke open. See, I’d written technical papers for years but surviving cancer opened me to my first creative work: illustrated booklets for cancer patients called I Wish I Knew.

It also opened me to an amazing adventure as I left my job and moved to Mexico: freelance, living in the jungle, building, writing, painting and teaching yoga. I pushed that crack wider to find me, Fanny Barry. That great story of self discovery, survival and resilience is in my memoir, Map of Life and Beauty.

My first novel, Eco Woman The Transformation, tells the spellbinding story of a female engineer who receives superpowers and is tasked with saving the world, one adventure at a time. She’s a magical escape with an incredible community of characters who remind us of how we all do our part.

Check out my video.

find me at @fanny_barry, @eco_woman and @tribaltulum, www.fannybarry.com