With all the craziness in the world, it’s hard to feel you make any difference. So many people, places and things need help. I want to buy at the right places, use my dollars to make change. I want to voice my concerns, call my political representatives. I want to save the world, stop plastic and human trafficking, clean the ocean, write my next Eco Woman novel. I want to create community, see that group of friends, host that workshop, write that email, make that facetime call. I want to use alternative medicine, heal myself, not trust the doctor.
Then there’s my chosen reality: I can’t manage, get frustrated, let my power fade and do little at all.
Or I choose my mat and begin. I practice yoga. That makes everything more manageable and reminds me I’m connected. My practice takes me from that place of panic and stress to the place where I know, step by step, I can be the change I want to see in the world. I AM the change I want to see in the world.
So if you are feeling overwhelmed, welcome. But here are 3 steps that will crush it.
1. Get to your mat. – at home or at a studio or join me here in Tulum if you can escape for even a weekend. Mexico’s all over the news. Perhaps you want to get to know her.
2. Take a second and stop. Right now. Sit and take 24 deep breaths – it takes about 2 minutes. See if you can stay focused on only the breath.
3. Move a little. You know the poses – 3 to 5 sun salutations. If that’s all you have time for, its enough. If you have time for more, wonderful. But, remind yourself, what you do is enough.
Bonus – write that on a piece of paper – a sticky note, a receipt – “What I do is enough. I am enough. I am.” Put it somewhere you can see it.
Second bonus – be joyful in your day as you take the small steps in your personal resistance. Joyfully shop second hand, joyfully drop the Amazon and facebook accounts, joyfully shop local. Joy is your birthright and your purpose.
That’s it. Every day. Let me know how it works for you.
If you have the time and resources, join us for our yoga and writing retreat, March 13 to 18. There is still a space left. Digging deeply into you and expressing it in writing is powerful. It can change your world. And remember, your world is the world.
If you need more time to plan, we have a wonderful yoga and dive retreat in May with South Oregon Dive Club. See the world with a different lens when you combine yoga and diving. I’ll throw a little yoga and writing in there too.
Stay happy. Find your bliss and resist.