Small Change

We all want to change the world, right?

But we often forget that we have the power. We use it every day: small changes, communicated subtly or not so subtly, change the world.

Case in point. About two months ago, I started going out for coffee in the morning. Living where you work can be overwhelming. And there’s a very nice coffee truck one city block away.

The first time I went, they served me coffee in a paper cup and offered me a plastic lid. There were two things to change. First, do we really need everything in takeaway? And second, I took a seat and asked for a porcelain cup. “We only have these,” the barista humbly told me.

“Just please don’t give me the lid.”

I sat, journaled, escaped and enjoyed the coffee. Leaving, I asked if I could bring my own mug next time, so I didn’t have to drink from a paper cup. “I hate generating more trash,” I confided. “Come back and I’ll find you a real cup,” he guaranteed me.

So I did. And there it was. This amazing green mug filled with coffee that tastes better because of it. And it makes me feel very special (note to people in customer service) and I’m changing the world. You laugh perhaps and yes, I know my one mug will barely make a dent in the trash overload we’re experiencing. But my shift of consciousness has already started a ripple that affects others.

People notice my mug. And someday will question their take away and disposable mentality. Some may even ask for a porcelain mug themselves. The owner may decide that it’s a good idea and perhaps they’ll stop the disposable mugs altogether. Ripple.

If I change from paper to porcelain even ¼ of the year, that’s more than 90 cups saved from landfills. And although less than a tree’s worth of paper, my attitude can save forests. That one spared tree certainly notices. My attitude and my willingness to act on it can shift people. Shifting how people think changes the world.

Make small change. Change the world.

Today is our 9th anniversary at Tribal Tulum! 9 years strong. We’ll do a yoga mala at 5 pm - join us if you like. Move energy toward the light on this day when darkness reigns.

And if it seems the darkness is too much for you these days - and it sometimes feels that way - escape into fiction with Eco Woman, the first: Transformation and the second: Initiation are both available on Amazon.

If you’ve already read her adventures, please let me know what you think and leave a review so others know too.

Happy Anniversary to Tribal. Happy Holidays to all of you.