A recent insta post about the late Anthony Bordain, the amazing travel and food guru, made the point how important it is to travel; how it makes the world a better place. I so agree. It’s way more difficult to drop a bomb on a country you’ve met. Knowing places gives them a face that’s not the devil.
Under the photo of Anthony in an oversized armchair on a remote beach, a comment read, “Yeah, easy for a privileged white boy.” I had to accept, it was easier for Anthony than it might be for most. But bottom line, Mr. Bordain opened the world for his audience and made incredible connections through appreciation of food and gratitude for it.
That got me thinking. Without so much consideration for privilege, could travel be finding a new nook and saying hello? Wouldn’t that help us connect? Couldn’t we “travel” within our own neighborhoods?
On another level, couldn’t travel also be connecting with ourselves, sitting with the breath and moving inside the universe that is the human body – physical, energetic and emotional? Wouldn’t that be an amazing way to explore peace for yourself, within yourself. Then you’ll spread peace into the world with every step you take.
Humor me. Set a timer and sit for 6 minutes. Notice the breath moving within you. Be amazed at how everything works. When the timer goes off, saunter to a local restaurant or grocery store. Take your time. Look around. Get to know your neighbor. Genuinely meet a new person, even if it’s only eye contact, a short hello or a smile. Share the peace and wonder you, minutes before, felt within yourself. This way we can cultivate peace right where we are, starting within.
We all recognize that we need peace more than ever. This practice will remind you that peace begins within each one of us. We each make it happen.
Happiest of Holiday Seasons